Hospital Care

Hospital Care

From the pharmacy to the bedside, we help maximize safety, streamline processes and build cost efficiency throughout the hospital.

We understand the challenges of modern healthcare and your focus on delivering the highest standards of care to a growing patient population, while ensuring every hospital function is safe, efficient, and as cost-effective as possible.

As a leader in medication preparation and delivery, we are committed to delivering patient-centric innovations that are designed to support access to the right product at the right time, while reducing preventable medication errors. In the moments that count, our IV solutions, premixed drugs, pharmacy and infusion technologies are found in hospitals and clinics around the world.

Advancing Global Hospital Care


We work with a wide range of hospitals and clinics, as well as disaster relief organizations to help ensure that vital medications are available when and where they’re needed.


Our premixed drugs and solutions are prepared with precision accuracy, and our pharmacy technology supports safe custom preparation; helping to ensure consistent and predictable treatment.


Our intelligent infusion systems and premixed solutions are designed for simple and intuitive use, helping to reduce the risk for preventable medication errors and infections.

The Starling Fluid Management System with a Basket Under It

Starling Fluid Management Monitoring System

Das Starling Monitoring System versetzt Ärzte in die Lage, auf den sich ständig ändernden Flüssigkeitszustand eines Patienten zu reagieren und die Gabe intravenöser Flüssigkeiten an die Volumenreagibilität anzupassen. Das Starling Monitoring System verwendet die patentierte Bioreaktanz-Technologie für eine genaue, zuverlässige und 100 % nichtinvasive Messung des zentralen Blutflusses. Damit werden aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse zur Unterstützung der klinischen Entscheidungsfindung in Echtzeit  geliefert. Mit der Unterstützung des Starling Systems können Ärzte ein wirklich individualisiertes Flüssigkeitsmanagement anstelle einer Einheitsbehandlung anwenden.

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